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What is the cost to join Triple AC?

Zero! Joining the Triple AC is free.

Who can join Triple AC?

Any city or community from around the world.

What if we don’t yet have a ‘Good Practice’?

That’s OK. You can visit the Triple AC website and learn from other good practices, and then use them or make up your own.

When should we join the Triple AC?

You can join at any time. The sooner you join, the sooner you can learn, share and become recognized!

Is there ongoing work involved to be a part of Triple AC?

No. There are no work requirements just to be a participant. Participating cities can choose to submit as many Good Practices as they like. The more you submit, the more chance you have to win an award.

How long does certification take?

Once you have submitted your Registration & Good Practice Form, TAFISA will be in contact within four to six weeks.

When are awards announced?

TAFISA will announce the Triple AC – SportCityNet Awards once every two years, at the occasion of the TAFISA World Congresses.
What if I have further questions?

Please do not hesitate to contact us at info@tafisa.net.